Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Movie: The Invasion

Title: The Invasion
Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel, James McTeigue (uncredited)
Notable Actors/Actresses: Nicole Kidman (played Carol Bennell), Daniel Craig (played Ben Driscoll), Jackson Bond (played Oliver), Eric Benjamin (played Gene)
Written by: Dave Kajganich, The Wachowskis (uncredited)
Music: John Ottman
Release Date: August 17, 2007
Running Time: 99 minutes
Rate   ☆ ☆ (5/5)
Rated PG-13

Based on The Body Snatchers by Jack Finney
This is such a surprise. Wikipedia said it sucked.
My own mother didn't like it. 

I loved it. 
Now, I have never seen the previous versions, so, yeah, I might be biased.

But I really loved how Nicole portrayed her humanity. People have said there was no psychological insight, but I actually disagree.

When emotionless aliens/humans promise of a world without suffering, you have to stop and think. Isn't what we're all trying to achieve? We're all trying to reach a utopia that meets all our wants and desires. (Except the virus "achieves" this by removing desires.)

This movie is so suitable for a Halloween movie! :D 
My only critique is is that the ending ended a bit too...perfect.
The virus ended up becoming only a faint nightmare that will soon be forgotten. 

My theory on why the emotionless who promote an unsuffering world and yet wants to cause suffering to those immune?
Those infected are still, biologically, semi-humans. Humans naturally have a fear of those different from them, so the virus plays on that natural fear, and multiply it. 

Okay, so you've got some blood (but it's not the focus), you've got a car chase (which makes sense, kinda), and you've got technical jargon that sounds smart and yet you really don't understand (lol, this detail makes me laugh.). 

I just wonder how the diminishing population of the Emotionless will react to the vaccine. 

My mother while cleaning the bathroom: "After I watched this movie, I become cleaner." (Translation, "After I watched this movie, I had the desire to make things cleaner." Don't make fun of my mom, okay~ :D)

Recommended to: The youngsters who haven't watched the original movies (like moi), and like movies that have action, thrills, and also psychological aspects. The best thing about this movie is that it is kind of logically plausible.

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